March 10, 2011

Why We Create: Our Souls Spill Over

The above photograph is of my Grandmother.  She was an artist.  She loved creating, and raised her family of four on art, teaching and creating, after her husband died.  This is a beautiful photograph, and one that represents her well, and well before I knew her.   I have thought many times about creation.  One of the reasons we are capable of joy is because we are capable of creation; our souls just spill over.  


Kip asked me the other day what had been my biggest frustration about starting Red Clover.  As I thought back I could only feel how much enjoyment I has been giving me.  Sure, figuring out shipping, supplies, etc, is not glamorous, and books are tedious.  But most of the time I am creating.  It's been wonderful.  

~ Red Clover

1 comment:

  1. Red Clover,

    Your blog posts are charming! I've enjoyed reading them all. I wish you success with your business goals - I hope the travel the world ones come true.

